The three-dimensional structure and streamwise evolution of two-stream
mixing layers at high Reynolds numbers (Re(delta) almost-equal-to 2.7
x 10(4)) were studied experimentally to determine the effects of mild
streamwise curvature (delta/RBAR < 3%). Mixing layers with velocity r
atios of 0.6 and both laminar and turbulent initial boundary layers, w
ere subjected to stabilizing and destabilizing longitudinal curvature
(in the Taylor-Gortler sense). The mixing layer is affected by the ang
ular momentum instability when the low-speed stream is on the outside
of the curve, and it is stabilized when the streams are reversed so th
at the high-speed stream is on the outside. In both stable and unstabl
e mixing layers, originating from laminar boundary layers, well-organi
zed spatially stationary streamwise vorticity was generated, which pro
duced significant spanwise variations in the mean velocity and Reynold
s stress distributions. These vortical structures appear to result fro
m the amplification of small incoming disturbances (as in the straight
mixing layer), rather than through the Taylor-Gortler instability. Al
though the mean streamwise vorticity decayed with downstream distance
in both cases, the rate of decay for the unstable case was lower. With
the initial boundary layers on the splitter plate turbulent, spatiall
y stationary streamwise vorticity was not generated in either the stab
le or unstable mixing layer. Linear growth was achieved for both initi
al conditions, but the rate of growth for the unstable case was higher
than that of the stable case. Correspondingly, the far-field spanwise
-averaged peak Reynolds stresses were significantly higher for the des
tabilized cases than for the stabilized cases, which exhibited levels
comparable to, or slightly lower than, those for the straight case. A
part of the Reynolds stress increase in the unstable layer is attribut
ed to 'extra' production through terms in the transport equations whic
h are activated by the angular momentum instability. Velocity spectra
also indicated significant differences in the turbulence structure of
the two cases, both in the near- and far-field regions.