Rosen and Mericle (1979) claimed to have demonstrated that the simple
strength of an organization's affirmative-action policy statement can
cause decision makers to engage in behaviors that subvert the goals of
the policy. We questioned the conceptual and empirical validity of th
eir claim, pointing out the absence of any attention to issues of deci
sion makers' understanding and evaluations of the procedures of affirm
ative action. Based on a procedural-justice approach, we replicated an
d extended the Rosen and Mericle study by including measures of respon
dents' preexisting conceptions and evaluations of the procedural featu
res of affirmative action. That replication showed that decision maker
s' understanding and evaluations of procedures, as represented by a se
t of procedural-justice variables, provide a more complete description
of the influence of affirmative action on the behavior of decision ma