A volatility technique whereby aerosol particles are heated to the rel
atively high temperature of 860-degrees-C is used to infer the presenc
e of elemental carbon in polluted air masses in the vicinity of the we
st coast of Ireland. The volume of elemental carbon for submicrometre
sized particles contained in the aerosol is estimated from the fall of
f in number concentration at a critical onset temperature of about 730
-735-degrees-C, as also obtained for laboratory carbon ink aerosol. T
he technique permits determination of the elemental carbon volume perc
entage of the total fine aerosol volume, and an estimation of the, abu
ndance of elemental carbon contained within the black carbon fraction
of the atmospheric aerosol. Supplementary black carbon mass concentrat
ion measurements were obtained using a thermal method and an aethalome
ter absorption method. The work suggests that elemental carbon can be
identified using the volatility technique and that it can yield size-s
egregated information on the fraction of elemental carbon in atmospher
ic aerosol.