This manuscript has been prepared as the tenth Annual Meeting of the W
ilderness Medical Society approaches. It consists of a chronological h
istory of the society from its founding in 1982 as a ''Mom and Pop'' o
rganization headquartered in Dr. Edward Geehr's study to its current s
tatus as a national organization with a part-time executive director,
two full-time employees, access to the resources of the American Colle
ge of Sports Medicine, an international journal, a quarterly newslette
r, and over 2800 members. Its educational programs now include annual
summer and winter national scientific meetings plus at least one annua
l national specialty meeting, local and regional meetings, curricula f
or medical school wilderness medicine electives and prehospital wilder
ness emergency care courses, position papers on relevant topics, and t
eaching aids, including slide collections. It has an active program fo
r sponsoring research in wilderness medicine and promotes the health o
f travelers and global health through its Environmental Council.