We study the Drell-Yan process piN --> mu+mu-X at large x(F) using per
turbative QCD. A higher-twist mechanism suggested by Berger and Brodsk
y is known to qualitatively explain the observed x(F) dependence of th
e muon angular distribution, but the predicted large x(F) behavior dif
fers quantitatively from observations. We have repeated the model calc
ulation taking into account the effects of nonasymptotic kinematics. A
t fixed-target energies we find important corrections which improve th
e agreement with data. The asymptotic result of Berger and Brodsky is
recovered only at much higher energies. We discuss the generic reasons
for the large corrections at high x(F). A proper understanding of the
x(F) --> 1 data would give important information on the pion distribu
tion amplitude and exclusive form factor.