The Z-dependence of the oscillator strengths for the intercombination
transition (2s2)S-1(0) --> (2s2p)P-3(1) and the resonance transition (
2s2)S-1(0) --> (2s2p)P-1(1) along the Be-isoelectronic sequence is stu
died by analyzing the excitation energies and line strengths from the
configuration interaction calculations with a relativistic hydrogenic
basis. Eigen equations for the two-configuration final states and thre
e-configuration initial state are solved both numerically and analytic
ally, and the analytic expressions are further expanded in power serie
s of the relativistic parameter (Zalpha)2. While approximating the exa
ct numerical results well, these analytic formulas provide the Z-depen
dence description of the oscillator strengths along the Be-isoelectron
ic sequence. To provide an overall agreement with experiment and with
other theories, however, a screened relativistic hydrogenic basis must
be used.