A table for adjusting expected progeny differences (EPD) to a base yea
r and breed basis depends on analyses of records of progeny of bulls o
f different breeds in a common environment and requires that those ref
erence bulls also have other progeny to provide within-breed EPD. Curr
ently, the. germ plasm evaluation project at the Meat Animal Research
Center (MARC) provides such a common environment for reference bulls o
f several breeds for estimation of breed differences for the reference
sires. Reference sire estimates of breed differences are adjusted by
the difference between average EPD of reference bulls and average EPD
for the base year for that breed. Two related questions are as follows
: 1) What are confidence ranges for the adjustments and 2) What are ac
curacies of interbreed EPD? Application of statistical principles and
algebra shows that 1) apparent confidence ranges for breed adjustments
are small, 2) apparent confidence ranges are substantially underestim
ated when random sire effects within breed are ignored, 3) correct con
fidence ranges also are small, 4) usual measures of accuracy cannot be
applied to interbreed comparisons, and 5) standard errors of predicti
on used in calculating confidence ranges for interbreed comparisons ar
e much less affected by variance of the adjustment factors than by wit
hin-breed accuracies for two bulls being compared except for bulls wit
h accuracies of near unity. Alternatives of predicting differences bet
ween bulls of the same or different breeds or between a bull of any br
eed and an average bull of a base breed are discussed in terms of conf
idence ranges. Although most theoretically correct, a major educationa
l effort would be required to explain confidence ranges on expected di
fferences in progeny of two bulls of different breeds. Confidence rang
es on expected difference in progeny of a bull and an average bull of
a base breed for a base year can be explained with only a slight exten
sion of principles currently taught.