The DBA/2 strain of mice have genetically induced vestibular dysfuncti
on that presents grossly at an early age as circling behavior and abno
rmal righting reflexes. The vestibular morphology of this strain has n
ot previously been examined. DBA/2 mice of different ages that showed
circling behavior were sacrificed and then had their inner ears immedi
ately removed and fixed in glutaraldehyde. The specimens were prepared
for light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Additional
specimens at 10 months of age were fixed with paraformaldehyde for imm
unohistochemical investigation and labelling of alpha-actinin. Non-cir
cling litter males served as controls. The morphology and immunohistoc
hemistry of the vestibular end-organs were evaluated as a function of
age and circling behavior. The sensory epithelium of the ampulla and u
tricle in the circling mice showed softening of the cuticle, hair cell
cytoplasmic herniation, expelled cellular debris, fused stereocilia a
nd giant hair cells that progressively increased in severity with age.
The non-circling litter mates showed similar but less severe patholog
y of the vestibular sensory epithelium. The immunohistochemical analys
is showed no differences at a magnification of 400 x.