Spectral line formation is a non-Markovian process because the reemiss
ion spectrum of an atom depends on the frequency of the photon previou
sly absorbed. We account for this effect by adopting a picture that as
cribes finite widths to the atomic energy levels. History and success
of this atomic model are discussed in some detail. In our semiclassica
l model, the state of an atom is characterized not only by its velocit
y and its excitation state, but also by the ''substate'' of the broade
ned atomic level it occupies. Accordingly, we define a generalized dis
tribution function of the atoms in a given energy level which specifie
s their number density, their velocity distribution, and their distrib
ution over the substates of the level. In this way, the formation of u
npolarized spectral lines by multilevel atoms can be described by a se
t of kinetic equations for the generalized distribution functions of t
he atoms in the various energy levels and a set of transfer equations
for the radiation intensities in the various spectral lines. The expli
cit form of these equations is derived taking into account all relevan
t radiative and collisional processes. The two-level atom is considere
d in detail, with special emphasis on the structure of the emission co
efficient which is composed of three parts corresponding to complete r
edistribution in the laboratory frame, complete redistribution in the
atomic rest frame, and coherent reemission in the atomic rest frame, r
espectively. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.