Results are presented of pilot trials aimed attesting the effect of th
e n-mixed antioxidant in loose form (BHT-based compound) on live weigh
t gain and body growth in the market rainbow trout. The trials were co
nducted in laminated pools with water flow, at an average water temper
ature of 11.4-degrees-C, amount of dissolved oxygen 9.4 mg/l and oxyge
n saturation of water 86 %. The experimental fish was rainbow trout wi
th the starting weight of 180 to 263 g. Eight and nine experimental gr
oups by 300 fishes each with one replication were established in trial
s A and B at an experimental locality. Similarly like in the preceding
trials (Rehulka, 1994), an addition of 0.5 and 1 % rapessed lecithin
absorbed on wheat meal or amylostabile (trial A) and wheat bran (trial
B) was tested besides gradated doses of Neox and Neox forte (100, 200
and 300 mg/kg of the pellet). Pellets with 200 mg Kurasan per kg (qui
noline derivative, the synonyms of which in foreign substances are Eth
oxyquin, Santoquin, Santoflex, Ethoquin) were used as a positive contr
ol, as its liquid form has become disadvantageous with respect to appl
ications in large-scale technologies of biofactor supplements and medi
cated feeds. The study of body growth was based on correlation and reg
ression analyses, in which regression lines of linear type and relativ
e weight gain were determined from the proportion of regression parame
ter (b(yt): y(i)BAR).100. In both trials, the highest relative weight
gain was attained in the experimental fishes fed the pellets with the
highest dose of Neox (300 mg/kg) against the positive and negative con
trol (22.58 and 27.89 % vs 19.73 and 25.29 % and 17.20 and 23.44 respe
ctively). Positive results were also recorded for the mixture of Neox
and lecithin, so it was possible to draw a conclusion (from the result
s shown in Tabs. II and V) that Neox did not have depressive effects o
n the growth of 1+ rainbow trout within 100 days. The negative control
with the lowest relative weight gain in both trials (5th experimental
group of trial A - 17.20 %, 4th experimental group of trial B - 23.44
%) indicates that the addition of antioxidant and lecithin to feed is
advantageous. Fig. 1 shows best the differences in the dynamics of ch
anges in live weight. The results of the trials aimed at the effects o
f both tested lecithin doses on the growth of 1+ rainbow trout (Tab. I
I) showed insignificantly higher relative weight gain except the 6th e
xperimental group in trial A (experimental groups 6,7, 8 and 9) in com
parison with the negative control represented by the 2nd experimental
group. Unlike the results in trial A, the relative weight gains were i
nsignificantly lower in trial B in the experimental groups given 0.5 %
lecithin and antioxidant Neox and Kurasan. These results enable to st
ate that the addition of lecithin to pellets for 2+ rainbow trout at a
dose of 0.5 to 1 % does not influence the growth ability of 1+ rainbo
w trout. A reason for the favorable economic assessment consists in fe
ed conversion in the experimental group with the highest dose of Neox
(300 mg/kg) in comparison with the positive (200 mg Kurasan per kg) ar
id negative control, which can be expressed by the values 1.57 of feed
conversion ratio (against 1.81 and 2.03).