Cross-cultural psychology has demonstrated important links between cul
tural context and individual behavioural development. Given this relat
ionship, cross-cultural research has increasingly investigated what ha
ppens to individuals who have developed in one cultural context when t
hey attempt to re-establish their lives in another one. The long-term
psychological consequences of this process of acculturation are highly
variable, depending on social and personal variables that reside in t
he society of origin, the society of settlement, and phenomena that bo
th exist prior to, and arise during, the course of acculturation. This
article outlines a conceptual framework within which acculturation an
d adaptation can be investigated, and then presents some general findi
ngs and conclusions based on a sample of empirical studies. Applicatio
ns to public policy and programmes are proposed, along with a consider
ation of the social and psychological costs and benefits of adopting a
pluralist and integrationist orientation to these issues.