Energetic ion beams produced by heavy-ion accelerators are increasingl
y finding their application for a wide variety of studies in condensed
matter physics. In particular, nuclear methods like time differential
perturbed angular distribution/correlation (TDPAD/TDPAC) following he
avy-ion induced nuclear reaction and the recoil-implantation technique
, have been extensively used for a number of studies in magnetism, esp
ecially the problem of magnetic moment formation on a f/d ion, their s
pm fluctuation behaviour relating to the moment stability, the Kondo e
ffect, etc. Further, the unique advantage offered by these techniques
has enabled scientists to produce and investigate many new magnetic sy
stems which are otherwise not accessible by the conventional methods.
After giving a brief review of the experimental technique, results obt
ained from such studies and their implication for the general understa
nding of magnetism of d/f ions in solids will be discussed. Particular
emphasis will be given to the results obtained from the Pelletron Acc
elerator facility at TIFR, Bombay.