In a case study the cognitive characteristics of a skilled visual spee
chreader (SJ) was examined and compared to a control group. SJ is a 56
year old woman, skilled in visual speechreading. She differs from mos
t of the 119 individuals in the control group, as she uses a particula
r speechreading strategy in which she attempts to repeat overtly each
spoken word as soon as it has been uttered, and to summarize and fill
in missing pieces of information whenever it is possible (e.g., during
pauses) during the conversation. SJ outperformed the control group on
three types of tasks; a reading span task, performance in the asympto
te level in the serial position curve, and verbal inference-making. SJ
's results were discussed with respect to (a) how they relate to the g
eneral case (i.e., models based on group-data) and to (b) her speechre
ading strategy. From a clinical perspective it was suggested that it m
ight be possible to practice the strategy as such, but any possible im
provement is dependent on the individual's capability to process infor
mation in this way.