To determine the factors causing wound infections after splenectomy, 2
11 patients undergoing surgery during 1982-1991 were studied in two gr
oups: - Patients with clean-contaminated or contaminated operations wi
th additional splenectomy in the same session; - Patients with electiv
e splenectomy only. While in the first group the rate of disorders of
wound healing (DWH) was 31.6%, the second group had a rate of 8.15%. T
his rate was higher than for other clean operations in our hospital an
d was as high as for clean-contaminated operations such as cholecystec
tomy. Among the patients older than 60 years, 38.2% had DWH, as agains
t 8.9% of the patients younger than 60 years. The mean operating time
in patients with wound infections was 223 min, while the mean operatin
g time in patients without infections was 125 min. In patients with wo
und infections the gamma-GT was higher than in patients who had no inf
ection. After these results we have given 2 g ceftriaxon as single-sho
t prophylaxis before every splenectomy. Since starting this, we have p
erformed 28 splenectomies, and DWH has been observed in only 1 (3.57%)
. We therefore recommend antiobiotic prophylaxis.