Adaptive algorithms are used to simulate mixing of point and solid par
ticles in the time-dependent wake behind a cylinder for Re = 100. Mixi
ng phenomena qualitatively similar to those observed in externally-for
ced time-dependent flows take place in this simulated flow. Chaotic re
gions evolve as a result of tangles of manifolds arising from a downst
ream hyperbolic periodic point. The unstable manifold of this point cr
eates high stretching regions in the now. Statistical analysis of the
stretching experienced by populations of point particles reveals log-n
ormal distributions that are characteristic of chaotic mixing processe
s observed in other flows. Viscous wakes generate efficient mixing of
fluid particles, but they also generate efficient separation of solid
particles. An initially homogeneous mixture of particles with a distri
bution of Stokes numbers becomes considerably segregated as it is carr
ied downstream the now. This separation process is governed by the str
ucture of the flow. Small particles with low Stokes numbers accumulate
in the center of eddies in the wake; particles with Stokes numbers ne
ar unity approach the unstable manifold of the fluid point particles;
and large particles with high Stokes number migrate to the center of t
he wake and move backwards, colliding with the downstream surface of t
he cylinder. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.