A prior study documented the failure of dyslexic men to activate left
temporoparietal cortex during phonologic processing. Because of report
s of an anomalous right planum temporale in developmental dyslexia, th
e functional implications of which are unknown, this study examined th
e ability of dyslexics to activate right temporal cortex. Regional cer
ebral blood flow was measured in 15 right-handed dyslexic men during r
est and during a tonal memory task expected to activate right-sided co
rtex in controls. A matched control sample (n = 18) showed significant
activation of several right frontotemporal regions as well as of left
temporal cortex. In contrast, severely dyslexic men activated fewer r
ight frontotemporal regions, while making many more errors than contro
ls, but showed normal activation of left mid to anterior temporal cort
ex. These results support hypothesized underlying deficits in rapid te
mporal processing and possible involvement of right (in addition to le
ft) temporal cortex in severe dyslexia.