The development of case mix measures for National Health Service (NHS)
care has become of great importance recently. Much effort has been pu
t into devising measures for in-patient care, but measures for ambulat
ory (out-patient, day care and primary care) visits are less developed
. Ambulatory Visit Groups (AVGs) is an American system devised to aggr
egate ambulatory visits into iso-resource groups. However, some assump
tions made in the construction of the AVG system may not hold for the
UK health service, including the use of consultation time as a proxy f
or the total resource use associated with the out-patient attendance.
To test AVGs in the UK context, a three-month prospective study of rhe
umatology out-patient attendances at two hospitals in Newcastle upon T
yne assembled a database of 3393 'visits', together with resource use
data. The AVGs derived from these were analysed to evaluate the homoge
neity of the groups with respect to consultation time, the homogeneity
of the groups with respect to resource use, and the degree to which c
onsultation time can be considered a proxy for resource use in this se
tting. Consultation time distributions were markedly skewed, and requi
red log transformation before analysis. Variation in log consultation
time was found to depend as much on the clinician as on the AVG, and t
he two were observed to interact. Resource use distributions were also
skewed, and were similarly transformed for analysis. Non-parametric a
nalysis of variance showed resource use to be significantly associated
with AVG, but the amount of variation associated with the AVG appeare
d to be small and inconsistent. The utility of AVGs in the NHS is cons
idered in the light of these findings, and proposals are made for the
next steps to develop a better understanding of out-patient activity.