Thought experiments imply that stratigraphic cycles controlled directl
y by eustasy include keep-up, catch-up, catch-down (foreshortened or t
runcated), and give-up variants, different patterns of thickness and f
acies being governed by the interplay of sedimentation rate and accomm
odation space. Most examples of these types are, in addition, base-cut
out cycles, wherever lowstands of sea level dropped below the top of t
he underlying cycle. Overall thicknesses of multiple cycles at any loc
ale are controlled ultimately by net subsidence rate. Accordingly, eve
n keep-up and catch-up cycles can faithfully record full accommodation
only where tectonic subsidence during cycle formation paced eustatic
fluctuation. Paradoxically, however, only condensed cycles that fortui
tously compensate for syncycle tectonic subsidence can accurately reco
rd the eustatic amplitude, as adjusted for water loading.