Texture development as a function of film thickness (5-980 nm) was inv
estigated for two series of Co81Cr19 films. In general, the films were
strongly textured. The orientation ratio, OR(c), was used to describe
the strength of the texture. Experimental data showed that for the Se
ries A films (5200 nm), the OR(c) value increased with increasing film
thickness, while for Series B films (46-980 nm), the OR(c), as a func
tion of the film thickness described a single peak curve, with its max
imum near 130 nm. The calculated local orientation ratios OR(cx) for b
oth the Series A and B films had maxima near 110 nm. The strain in Co-
Cr films also changes with the film thickness. In the case of the Seri
es B films, the strain along the film normal gradually changed from a
tensile to a compressive strain with increasing film thickness, and ne
ar 130 nm the film was in a stress-free condition. It was also discove
red that for Co-Cr films thinner than 46 nm, the aspect ratio of the g
rains approaches 1 and the typical columnar structure of grains is not
observed, although (0002) fibre texture still exists.