In this paper seismically isolated regular bridges are modelled as two
-degree-of-freedom systems in the longitudinal or transverse direction
, The equivalent linear characteristics, including the effective stiff
ness and equivalent viscous damping ratio of isolation bearings, are u
sed to formulate the equivalent linear theory of the seismically isola
ted regular bridge. The system composite damping ratio, attributed to
the equivalent viscous damping ratio of isolation bearing and the visc
ous damping ratio of bridge column bents or piers, is obtained both by
classical damping and nonclassical damping assumptions. The parametri
c influences including those of the mass ratio, stiffness ratio, visco
us damping ratio of bridge column bents and equivalent viscous damping
ratio of isolation bearings on the composite damping ratio are invest
igated. The composite damping ratio formulated in the study is compare
d with that obtained from the modal strain energy method. In addition,
the parametric influences on the system composite damping ratio of is
olated bridges are compared with those of isolated buildings. Copyrigh
t (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.