Mu. Cho et al., COVALENT INTERACTIONS OF REACTIVE NAPHTHALENE METABOLITES WITH PROTEINS, The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 269(2), 1994, pp. 881-889
Naphthalene produces selective necrosis of Clara cells in the mouse bu
t not in the rat. The pulmonary toxicity depends on cytochrome P450-me
diated metabolism; however, the selective pulmonary toxicity of naphth
alene in the mouse does not correspond to tissue-selective covalent bi
nding of reactive naphthalene metabolites in vivo. These studies compa
re reactive metabolite binding in target and nontarget cells and in va
rious subcompartments of mouse lung and characterize, by sodium dodecy
l sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the proteins to which ar
ylating metabolites are bound. Reactive metabolite binding was substan
tially higher in incubations of [H-3]-naphthalene with distal bronchio
les and isolated Clara cells than with explants of trachea or bronchus
from the mouse. Likewise, binding was substantially higher in incubat
ions of murine Clara cells than in identical incubations with mouse he
patocytes (nontarget cells) or rat trachea cells (nonsusceptible speci
es). These data show a good correlation between cellular Susceptibilit
y to toxicity and the amount of reactive metabolite bound in vitro. Co
ncentrations of adduct were highest in the medium and the nuclear/cell
debris fraction (1000 x g pellet) of isolated Clara cells incubated w
ith naphthalene; very small amounts of adduct were noted in pellets is
olated at 20,000 or at 100,000 x g (mitochondrial and microsomal fract
ions) or in cytosol. These observations were consistent with the findi
ng that adduct concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage were substanti
ally higher than in the lung at low doses of naphthalene and suggest t
hat monitoring adducts in lavage may serve as a useful biomarker of ex
posure and effect. [H-3]-Naphthalene metabolites were bound primarily
to three proteins: relative molecular weight, 14 to 15 (major), 30 and
45 kD (minor), in mouse Clara cell incubations; binding in hepatocyte
incubations was solely to a protein of 14 to 15 kD. The chromatograph
ic characteristics of the 14-kD adduct differed substantially from tho
se of rat surfactant protein B or a secretory protein elaborated by Cl
ara cells with a M(r) of 10 to 12 kD. Reactive metabolite binding to p
roteins in both Clara cells and hepatocytes appears to be highly selec
tive. These studies suggest that the amount of metabolite bound to the
14 to 15 kD protein may be an important determinant in cellular susce
ptibility to naphthalene and that the nature of the major protein targ
eted in murine Clara cells (susceptible) and hepatocytes (nonsusceptib
le) is similar.