We report the clinical findings and stroke mechanisms of 63 patients w
ith cerebellar infarcts. We divided the intracranial vertebrobasilar c
irculation into the proximal territory (P), fed by the intracranial ve
rtebral arteries and their branches; the middle territory (M), fed by
the proximal and middle basilar artery and its branches; and the dista
l territory (D), fed by the rostral basilar artery and its branches. C
erebellar infarcts were classified by vascular territories P, M, D, P&
D, and middle-plus (P&M, M&D, and P&M&D). Patients with P infarcts (11
patients) frequently had vertigo, gait instability, limb ataxia, and
headache, whereas patients with D infarcts (15 patients) most often ha
d limb ataxia, gait instability, and dysarthria. Patients with P&D inf
arcts (17 patients) had signs and symptoms of both groups combined. In
farcts in which the middle territory was involved, either alone (three
patients) or combined with other territories (17 patients) were domin
ated by brainstem signs and symptoms. The predominant stroke mechanism
s in the P, D, and P&D groups were embolic due to intra-arterial or ca
rdiac embolism. When the M territory was involved, either alone or wit
h P, D, or P&D territories, stroke mechanisms were more varied, and th
ere was often large-artery occlusion with hemodynamic ischemia.