An object recognition approach based on concurrent coarse-and-fine mat
ching using a multilayer Hopfield neural network is presented, The pro
posed network consists of several ;cascaded single-layer Hopfield netw
orks, each encoding object features at a distinct resolution, with bid
irectional interconnections linking adjacent layers. The interconnecti
on weights between nodes associating adjacent layers are structured to
favor node pairs for which model translation and rotation, when viewe
d at the two corresponding resolutions, are consistent. This interlaye
r feedback feature of the algorithm reinforces the usual intralayer ma
tching process in the conventional single-layer Hopfield network in or
der to compute the most consistent-model-object match across several r
esolution levels, The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated for
test images containing single objects, and multiple occluded objects.
These results are compared with recognition results obtained using a
single-layer Hopfield network.