A preliminary investigation was made into the effectiveness of two bre
astmilk fortifiers on the Australian market (FM-85 [Nestle, Vevey, Swi
tzerland] and Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier [EHMF; Mead Johnson, Evansv
ille, IN, USA]). Infants <1800 g and <34 weeks gestation at birth, who
were receiving breast milk, were randomized to receive either of the
fortifiers (n = 14 for FM-85, n = 10 for EHMF), until a weight of 2 kg
was reached. Infants not receiving breast milk (n = 9) were fed a pre
term formula (Prenan, Nestle). The two fortifier groups were similar i
n most parameters examined: (i) weight gain (17.9+/-3.0 vs 17.4+/-3.5
g/kg per day); (ii) head circumference growth (1.02+/-0.28 vs 1.03+/-0
.25 cm/week); (iii) arm muscle area growth (32.6+/-20.0 vs 33.5+/-13.7
mm2/week); (iv) arm fat area growth (14.3+/-6.1 vs 14.0+/-8.7 mm2/wee
k); (v) plasma calcium (2.52+/-0.08 vs 2.58+/-0.15 mmol/L); (vi) plasm
a phosphate (2.02+/-0.21 vs 2.13+/-0.32 mmol/L); (vii) plasma copper (
5.28+/-2.83 vs 5.66+/-3.07 mumol/L); and (vii) plasma zinc (13.3+/-5.5
vs 15.8+/-9.2 mumol/L). The FM-85 group had a higher alkaline phospha
tase level (355+/-110 vs 231+/-70 iu/L) than the EHMF group; however,
no values were outside the normal range. The Prenan group had a higher
rate of weight gain (23.6+/-3.3 g/kg per day) and higher arm fat area
growth rate (25.2+/-7.6 mm2/week) than the fortifier groups, while al
l other parameters were similar. The incidence of feed intolerance was
considered high in both fortifier groups. The addition of many of the
components of breastmilk fortifiers has not been well validated and i
t is proposed that a simplified fortifier composed of protein and phos
phate may be better tolerated and equally effective at optimizing grow
th and bone mineralization. The specific needs of extremely low birthw
eight infants (< 1000 g) have not been addressed.