Ordered, labeled trees are trees in which each node has a label and th
e left-to-right order of its children (if it has any) is fixed. Such t
rees have manv applications in vision, pattern recognition, molecular
biology, programming compilation, and natural language processing. Man
y or the applications involve comparing trees or retrieving/extracting
information from a repository of trees. Examples include classificati
on of unknown patterns. analysis of newly sequenced RNA structures, se
mantic taxonomy for dictionary definitions, generation of interpreters
for nonprocedural programming languages, and automatic error recovery
and correction for programming languages. Previous systems use exact
matching (or generalized regular expression matching) for tree compari
son. This paper presents a system, called Approximate-Tree-By-Example
(ATBE), which allows inexact matching of trees. The ATBE system intera
cts with the user through a simple but powerful query language; graphi
cal devices are provided to facilitate inputing the queries. The paper
describes the architecture of ATBE, illustrates its use and describes
some aspects of ATBE implementation. We also discuss the underlying a
lgorithms and provide some sample applications.