It has long been recognized that muLCR could profitably be done with t
he high intensity surface beam at LAMPF [1]. A spectrometer has been b
uilt that is matched to the LAMPF beam characteristics. The polarizati
on information is obtained from a downstream array of counters while s
ide counters, containing no polarization signal, monitor the mu+ beam.
Degraders select higher energy e+, thereby reducing rates and require
d counter segmentation while maintaining information content. We apply
a ramped longitudinal field in addition to the static one to average
over instabilities iii the mu+ beam. This field scan allows direct int
erpretation of data and does not require a prior estimate of the reson
ance structure of a sample. Flux coils monitor the applied ramp field
and eddy-current induced fields. High average rate (2 x 10(7) mu+/s),
good stability, and the versatile field scan permitted useful data to
be collected from Cu, Al(Cu), Al, Si(Al), and polycrystalline Si targe