A mean free path gas kinetic theory is used to model the conductive he
at transport of a gas within a void volume enclosed in a Fourier solid
. A variational upper bound principle is derived for a void of arbitra
ry shape and applied to obtain a rigorous upper bound equation for the
void gas conductivity in a spherical void. The variational void gas c
onductivity equation is exact in both the large and small Knudsen numb
er (Kn) limits and provides a means to determine the accuracy of the r
eciprocal additivity interpolation formula as applied to thermal condu
ctivity rather than diffusive mass transfer (maximum error 6% at Kn =
0.5 and alpha = 1). Temperature jump will occur even at atmospheric pr
essures and higher for sufficiently small thermal accommodation coeffi
cients (alpha < 0.1). Experimental void gas heat conductivities vs. pr
essure data for H-2, He, Ne, N2, CO2, and F12 in a polyurethane foam a
re compared with theoretical mean free path void gas conductivity vs.
inverse Knudsen number curves drawn for various a. Estimates of the th
ermal accommodation coefficients for the gas- polyurethane surface exh
ibit a maximum with increasing molecular mass of the gas molecules, wh
ich qualitatively agrees with the predictions of Baule's classical the
ory. Results also point to a rather sharp shift of the S curve to high
er pressures with decreasing thermal accommodation.