Crystal structure factors have been measured for eight reflections in
Ge using gamma radiation at 0.342 and 1.382 MeV. The uncertainty of th
e measured structure factors is approximately 0.05 e.u. Laue-case rock
ing curves exhibiting Pendellosung oscillations were recorded using a
double-crystal spectrometer located next to a high-flux reactor. The m
easured rocking curves were computer fit to obtain structure factors.
Because the effects of anomalous scattering approach zero at high ener
gies (1.382 MeV), anomalous scattering corrections for lower-energy me
asurements (8, 59, and 342 keV) have been derived by comparing the hig
h-energy results to the lower-energy results. Best estimates of struct
ure factors are derived for 12 Ge reflections.