An irradiation insult as attenuation of Eimeria tenella oocysts with g
amma Co-80 irradiation in a dosis of 250 Gy does not influence the tem
poral lapse and the rate of the sporulation. The excystation exhibit n
on changes with the rate of average 77,0 per cent opposite the untreat
ed controls with 76,1 per cent. In reproducible trials fresh excystate
d sporozoits of radioattenuated oocysts demonstrate a 100 per cent abi
lity of life by the vital colouring with methylene blue. Sporozoits of
radioattenuated and fullvirulent oocysts have the same pattern of dis
tribution of amylopectin as a sign of vitality. With increasing durati
on of storage the ability of survival decreases quantitative in like m
anner as well as in irradiated and nonirratiated sporozoits in the cor
relation with the reserve of energy for the duration of 6 days.