D. Hurnik et al., FACTOR-ANALYSIS OF SWINE FARM-MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON PRINCE-EDWARD-ISLAND, Preventive veterinary medicine, 20(1-2), 1994, pp. 135-146
This study used multivariable analysis to describe the role of the env
ironment in respiratory disease of swine. Environmental effects acting
on pigs were assessed by visiting 76 pig farms on Prince Edward Islan
d, Canada. Management areas examined were farm size, growth rate, feed
ing styles and feedstuffs, manure handling and bedding, ventilation, p
en space and flooring, moving and mixing pigs, sources of pigs, people
contact in the barn, labour source and experience. Data were gathered
by physically measuring dimensional parameters, and by visual determi
nation of other characteristics. One person performed the farm visits
in a consistent manner. From the examination of the 76 farms, 43 manag
ement variables were calculated. The 43 variables were condensed using
factor analysis into six factors. The factors are six uncorrelated va
riables that describe the 43 correlated management variables in a more
statistically efficient manner. The six factors describe farm types b
ased on which management variables score highly with each factor. The
farm types that emerged were as follows: (1) smaller farms using exten
sive farming techniques-high volume and space per pig and straw as bed
ding; (2) a farm type using group pig flow, a system that used solid p
en partitions, did not move pigs between pens, and a higher ratio of p
igs to water spaces; (3) a farm type with room pig flow that was large
r (pigs sold) than others in this study population, was farrow-to-fini
sh and had modern facilities; (4) farms that bought pigs from differen
t sources, did not seek veterinary advice, and had slow-growing pigs;
(5) a family farm type that primarily floor fed the pigs; (6) an integ
rated farm type that was larger than average, made its own feed, was c
loser in proximity to other farms and had other farmers as primary vis
itors. The six farm types were biologically plausible descriptions of
farm management on Prince Edward Island. The results of the factor ana
lysis were then used in a regression analysis of enzootic pneumonia an
d pleuritis prevalence at slaughter. The results and conclusions of th
ese analyses are presented in a subsequent paper.