The new depsidones didechlorolecideoidin (1) [methyl 1-oxo-11H-dibenzo
[b,e][1,4]dioxepin-7-carboxylate] and 4-dechlorogangaleoidin (2) [meth
yl 1-oxo-11H-dibenzo[b,e][1,4]dioxepin-7-carboxylate] have been detect
ed in the lichens Lecanora argentata and L. californica respectively,
and the structure of these metabolites has been established by chromat
ographic comparisons with synthetic material. The compound (1) has als
o been shown to occur in the lichen Tylothallia pahiensis. In addition
the dibenzofuran, furfuraceic acid roxy-1,9-di(2'-oxoheptyl)dibenzofu
ran-2-carboxylic acid] (9) has been isolated from the lichen Phyllopso
ra furfuracea, and the structure established spectroscopic methods.