In Bayesian analysis, it is often difficult to completely specify the
prior distribution. One way of expressing uncertainty about the prior
is by specifying only the first few moments of the parameters or some
functions of parameters. Thus the prior is restricted to a certain cla
ss but is otherwise arbitrary. We examine the ranges of certain poster
ior Bayesian measures when the priors belong to that class. The method
is used in a contingency table example, where prior moments of intere
sting functions of cell probabilities are specified. Exploiting the co
nvex structure of the class, we obtain posterior bounds by a low dimen
sional minimization or maximization and we propose possible solutions
to computational problems. We examine the general problem theoreticall
y and we find conditions which ensure that the posterior measures have
finite bounds. We also consider the case when the priors are restrict
ed to a smaller class, by requiring them to be bell shaped.