A space-variant interpolation is required to compensate for the migrat
ion of signal energy through range resolution cells when processing sy
nthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, using either the classical range/Do
ppler (R/D) algorithm or related frequency domain techniques. In gener
al, interpolation requires significant computation time, and leads to
loss of image quality, especially in the complex image. The new chirp
scaling algorithm avoids interpolation, yet performs range cell migrat
ion correction accurately. The algorithm requires only complex multipl
ies and Fourier transforms to implement, is inherently phase preservin
g, and is suitable for wide-swath, large-beamwidth, and large-squint a
pplications. This paper describes the chirp scaling algorithm, summari
zes simulation results, presents imagery processed with the algorithm,
and reviews quantitative measures of its performance. Based on quanti
tative comparison, the chirp scaling algorithm provides image quality
equal to or better than the precision range/Doppler processor. Over th
e range of parameters tested, image quality results approach the theor
etical limit, as defined by the system bandwidth.