The design of an agricultural robot is a complex task since in additio
n to the many closely related design parameters that must be determine
d, the design is highly affected by crop parameters which are uncertai
n and loosely structured. This paper presents a systems engineering me
thod to evaluate the performance of an agricultural robot by simulatin
g and comparing different types of robots, number of arms, multiple ar
m configurations, workspace design and dynamic characteristics. Numeri
cal simulation tools were developed to quantify measures of machine pe
rformance such as cycle time and percentage of successful cycles based
on an extensive statistical analysis using measured fruit locations a
nd simulated crop parameters. The methodology developed was applied to
determine design parameters for a robotic melon harvester. Simulation
results indicated that the cartesian robot was faster than the cylind
rical robot for the melon harvesting task. Activating two arms in tand
em was the fastest configuration evaluated. Simulation provided an imp
ortant tool for evaluating the multitude of design and crop parameters
and for comparing alternatives in a timely manner prior to prototype
construction. Through systems engineering design parameters and prefer
able crop conditions. were recommended based on which a prototype robo
tic melon harvester has been constructed.