PYTHIA and JETSETare the two main components of the ''Lund Monte Carlo
'' program suite. They can be used to generate high-energy-physics ''e
vents'', i.e. sets of outgoing particles produced in the interactions
between two incoming particles. Ideally these events should have the s
ame average behaviour and the same fluctuations as real data. The unde
rlying physics is not understood well enough to give an exact descript
ion, the programs therefore contain a combination of analytical result
s and various models. Several event classes are considered, within and
beyond the standard model. We give a summary of the main physics comp
onent of the current versions, PYTHIA 5.7 and JETSET 7.4: hard-scatter
ing matrix elements, parton distributions, initial- and final-state ra
diation, multiple interactions, beam remnants. fragmentation and decay
s. A brief outline is also given of some programming aspects. A detail
ed physics description and manual is available as a separate publicati