Excised shoots from apple trees and cell suspension cultures were used
as model systems to study the metabolism of [3,5-C-14] amitrole in Ma
lus domestica Borkh. Significant differences in the metabolism of the
compound applied were observed with excised shoots, cultured cells and
whole apple trees. The major metabolite in excised shoots was aminotr
iazolylalanine which occurred both in the free form and as conjugates.
The major metabolite from whole plants, triazolylalanine, was detecte
d in shoots in minor amounts only. In cell suspension cultures, the ty
pe of metabolism strongly depended on the concentration of amitrole wh
en initially applied. At 10(-3) m or lower, mainly aminotriazolylalani
ne was formed. Depending on the concentration of the active ingredient
, this metabolite predominantly occurred in free form or as glycosides
. At concentrations above 5 x 10(-4) m a new metabolite, 3,5-dihydroxy
triazole, was detected which was the only metabolite found at 5 x 10(-
3) m. Significant amounts of non-metabolized amitrole remained in the