We consider the problem in which we want to separate two (or more) sig
nals that are coupled to each other through an unknown multiple-input-
multiple-output linear system (channel). We prove that the signals can
be decoupled, or separated, using only the condition that they are st
atistically independent, and find even weaker sufficient conditions in
volving their cross-polyspectra. By imposing these. conditions on the
reconstructed signals, we obtain a class of criteria for signal separa
tion. These criteria are universal in the sense that they do not requi
re any prior knowledge or information concerning the nature of the sou
rce signals. They may be communication signals, or speech signals, or
any other 1-D or multidimensional signals (e.g., images). Computationa
lly efficient algorithms for implementing the proposed criteria, that
only involve the iterative solution to a linear least squares problem,
are presented.