IL-6, soluble IL-6 receptor and IgG with anti-IL-6 activity were measu
red in the plasma of 14 lupus patients and 10 normal subjects. The cap
acity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to spontaneously produce I
L-6 in vitro was also measured. Our results indicate that IL-6 plasma
levels in patient plasma as measured by ELISA were not different from
normal but that supernatant levels were significantly lower than norma
l (P < 0.05). In vitro IgG production was comparable for all lupus pat
ients' cells irrespective of the in vitro IL-6 levels. Plasma soluble
IL-6 receptor levels directly correlated with IL-6 production capacity
of SLE cells and the ratio of soluble receptor to anti-IL-6 directly
correlated with IL-6 production in patients but not in normals. Inhibi
tion assays demonstrated competition between anti-IL-6 and soluble rec
eptors for IL-6 and the inhibition by plasma of IL-6 binding to monocl
onal anti-IL-6. We believe the interaction of anti-IL-6 and IL-6 recep
tor with IL-6 may contribute to the homeostasis in IL-6 activity in vi
vo and skewing of the soluble receptor/anti-IL-6 ration may contribute
to the lupus disease process.