Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) have received much attention rec
ently due to their importance for designing modern factories producing
small lots of complicated products to specific customer orders. One o
f the most important problems arising in this context is scheduling pa
rts on machines and, connected with it, an appropriate routing of auto
mated guided vehicles (AGVs) ensuring on-time delivery of parts to par
ticular machines. This paper general a new approach to model flexible
manufacturing systems, motivated by the practical application. The obj
ective is to develop algorithmic procedures that integrate the product
ion schedules with the routing of automated guided vehicles in FMS. Th
e transportation system of the FMS model consists of two cycles, leadi
ng to two separate machining centers. These cycles are interconnected,
with a common stretch at the inspection and retrieval area, so that t
he AGVs can switch between the cycles to obtain a higher routing flexi
bility. In order to keep a complex system simple, a routing strategy i
s proposed that maintains a steady, regular, cyclic flow of all availa
ble vehicles. We develop, by means of a number theoretic concept, vehi
cle schedules that are collision-free for any cycle sequence. For a gi
ven production plan, we then present an efficient dynamic programming
approach to check whether or not the required raw material (for machin
ing parts) can be supplied in time to the various NC-machines. This me
thod also solves an open problem in processor scheduling where a set o
f jobs with a restricted number of distinct processing times is to be
scheduled before deadlines on m parallel processors.