Guanabenz (Wytensin(R) Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Philadelphia, PA) is
a centrally acting alpha(2) adrenergic agonist. Guanabenz shares stru
ctural and pharmacologic properties with the more commonly known sympa
tholytic agent clonidine. Little is known about guanabenz in overdose.
Eleven cases of guanabenz poisoning have been reported in the literat
ure and to the manufacturer to date and followed a clinical course com
parable to clonidine poisoning. We report this case of guanabenz poiso
ning in an elderly woman who sustained protracted hypothermia followin
g overdose. Hypothermia has been commonly associated with clonidine to
xicity but has not been previously reported with guanabenz. Postulated
mechanisms of clonidine induced hypothermia are discussed.