A pilot randomised placebo controlled trial using tamoxifen in healthy
women at increased risk of developing breast cancer, has been underta
ken in order to evaluate the problems of accrual, acute symptomatic to
xicity, compliance, and safety as a basis for subsequent large nationa
l multicentre trials designed to test whether tamoxifen can chemopreve
nt breast cancer. From October 1986 until June 1993, 2012 healthy wome
n with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, usually because
of a strong family history, were randomly allocated to receive tamoxif
en 20 mgs/day or placebo for up to 8 years if possible. Accrual remain
ed high in spite of extensive informed consent regarding potential ris
k. Acute symptomatic toxicity was low for participants on tamoxifen or
placebo and compliance remained correspondingly high with a predicted
77% of women on tamoxifen and 82% of women on placebo continuing medi
cation at 5 years. There was a significant increase in hot flushes (34
% versus 20%) mostly in premenopausal women (p < 0.005), vaginal disch
arge (16% versus 4%, p < 0.005), and menstrual irregularities (14% ver
sus 9%, p < 0.005). The requirements for hormone replacement therapy f
or women on tamoxifen or placebo were the same. Safety monitoring indi
cates no adverse anti oestrogenic effects of tamoxifen. There was no o
bvious effect of tamoxifen on bone mineral densities (single photon ra
dial absorption). The fibrinogen and antithrombin III were both lowere
d, resulting in no observed detrimental effect on the ratio of these c
lotting factors. There was a significant reduction in the serum choles
terol maintained out to 5 years. Annual pelvic assessment using transv
aginal ultrasound indicates an increased incidence of uterine fibromat
a and benign ovarian cysts. These results have encouraged the commence
ment of the NSABP national trial in the USA, and the subsequent start
of national trials in Italy and the UK, which together should provide
sufficient evidence to evaluate the efficacy of tamoxifen for preventi
on of breast cancer.