Nowick and his associates have stated that many ionic crystals and gla
sses exhibit a loss per cycle which is independent of frequency over a
n appreciable range and have suggested that such behavior constitutes
a ''new universality''. Furthermore, much such data seem to approach a
n asymptotic, nearly temperature-independent ac loss at sufficiently l
ow temperatures. In order to further evaluate these conclusions, small
-signal ac relaxation data for a CaTiO3:30% Al3+ ceramic material are
analyzed in detail and the results compared to those published by Nowi
ck and associates for the same material. It is found that a plausible
conducting-system dispersion model based on the effective-medium appro
ximation for hopping charges yields results globally similar to, but s
omewhat different in detail from, those of Nowick et al. But a respons
e model which includes both such conducting-system response and dielec
tric-system dispersion well fits the data over a wide temperature rang
e. To do so, it requires the presence of a non-zero high-frequency-lim
iting resistivity probably arising from localized charge motion. No co
nstant-loss individual dispersions appear in the model, but it neverth
eless yields approximately constant loss over a limited frequency rang
e at low temperatures. It suggests that asymptotic behavior is associa
ted with the nearly temperature-independent dielectric-dispersion cont
ribution to the response at low temperatures, and it does not verify t
he Nowick conclusion that the slope of the ac conductivity approaches
a constant value near 0.6 at high temperatures.