1. Associative memory function was analyzed in a realistic biophysical
simulation of rat piriform (olfactory) cortex containing 240 pyramida
l cells and 58 each of two types of inhibitory interneurons. Pyramidal
cell simulations incorporated six different intrinsic currents and th
ree different synaptic currents. We investigated the hypothesis that a
cetylcholine sets the appropriate dynamics for learning within the net
work, whereas removal of cholinergic modulation sets the appropriate d
ynamics for recall. The associative memory function of the network was
tested during recall after simulation of the cholinergic suppression
of intrinsic fiber synaptic transmission and the cholinergic suppressi
on of neuronal adaptation during learning. 2. Hebbian modification of
excitatory synaptic connections between pyramidal cells during learnin
g of patterns of afferent activity allowed the model to show the basic
associative memory property of completion during retail in response t
o degraded versions of those patterns, as evaluated by a performance m
easure based on normalized dot products. 3. During learning of multipl
e overlapping patterns of afferent activity, recall of previously lear
ned patterns interfered with the learning of new patterns. As more pat
terns were stored this interference could lead to the exponential grow
th of a large number of excitatory synaptic connections within the net
work. This runaway synaptic modification during learning led to excess
ive excitatory activity during recall, preventing the accurate recall
of individual patterns. 4. Runaway synaptic modification of excitatory
intrinsic connections could be prevented by selective suppression of
synaptic transmission at these synapses during learning. This allowed
effective recall of single learned afferent patterns in response to de
graded versions of those patterns, without interference from other lea
rned patterns. 5. During learning, cholinergic suppression of neuronal
adaptation enhanced the activity of cortical pyramidal cells in respo
nse to afferent input, compensating for decreased activity due to supp
ression of intrinsic fiber synaptic transmission. This modulation of a
daptation led to more rapid learning of afferent input patterns, as de
monstrated by higher values of the performance measure.6. During recal
l, when suppression of excitatory intrinsic synaptic transmission was
removed, continued cholinergic suppression of neuronal adaptation led
to the spread of excessive activity. More stable activity patterns dur
ing recall could be obtained when the cholinergic suppression of neuro
nal adaptation was removed at the same time as the cholinergic suppres
sion of synaptic transmission. 7. A realistic biophysical simulation o
f the effects of acetylcholine on synaptic transmission and neuronal a
daptation in the piriform cortex shows that these effects act together
to set the appropriate dynamics for learning, whereas removal of both
effects sets the appropriate dynamics for recall.