The aim Of this work is to explain the vibrational behaviour of severa
l plate structures whose plates are joined at different angles, having
same widths but different lengths. An analytical formulation using a
semi modal decomposition along the junction direction and a wave formu
lation along the perpendicular one is developed. This approach is very
powerful because its numerical implementation is not too heavy (contr
ary to FEM) and because it's very versatile. Basic vibrational control
parameters such as the quadratic velocity and the transfert mobility
are shown. The simplest structure considered in this study is made of
twin plates connected at any angle. It is shown that in some particula
r configuration, the vibrational behaviour of the structure can be hig
hly sensitive to slight modifications of a geometrical parameter, part
icularly the angle between the plates. A statistical way is used to il
lustrate this phenomenon currently encountered in industrial applicati
ons. This formulation can also deal with periodic structures such as c
orrugated plates.