This paper describes the detection of stop consonants in the French la
nguage with the help of the wavelet transform. Our hypothesis is that
the burst of stop consonants can be approximated with a pulse. The det
ection system is based on the study of the correlation functions betwe
en the modulus of the impulse wavelet transform and the same transform
of the speech signal. As we are using a Gaussian wavelet, the correla
tion functions have a minimum before each maximum, where that maximum
is synchronous with the burst of the stop consonant. Two signals S(M)
and S(m) are computed. The are respectively the synchronous and asynch
ronous sums of all the correlation functions. To localize the local mi
nima of the S(m) function, two criteria are used. The temporal localis
ation of the pulse is accomplished with certain local maxima of the si
gnal S(M). The method of detection is tested with a corpus which has 1
37 unvoiced and 55 voiced stop consonants. The rate of detection is 94
% for the unvoiced stops and 75% for the voiced stops. This study show
s that for detection, the burst of stop consonants can be modelled wit
h a pulse.