An axially symmetrical model for the solar coronal ray is presented, i
n which charged particles move on magnetic surfaces created by the cur
rents localized in the vicinity of the photosphere. The simplest confi
guration of the currents, necessary for construction of an adequate mo
del, is a pair of co-axial currents of opposite direction, situated in
the photospheric plane. Magnetic surfaces of such field contain a sep
aratrix shaped like the helmet or the onion, which is pointed above ow
ing to the saddle special point. Such structures of the solar coronal
rays can be created by superposition of magnetic fields from a sunspot
and a surrounding facula with the oppositely directed field. The temp
erature profile along the coronal ray is qualitatively explained by co
nservation of the adiabatic invariant in the drift motion theory of ch
arged particles.