OBJECTIVE- To investigate the prevalence of non-insulin-dependent-diab
etes mellitus in Kin-Hu, Kinmen. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS- This is
a community-based population survey. The target population are residen
ts greater than or equal to 30 years of age in Kin-Hu, Kinmen, accordi
ng to the official household registry in 1990. Face to face interviews
were conducted by the Yang-Ming Crusade in 1991 using a structured qu
estionnaire. Fasting blood samples were drawn by public health nurses,
and a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test was performed for definite dia
gnosis of diabetes. RESULTS- There were 4,097 eligible subjects (2,026
men and 2,071 women), and 3,236 had complete fasting plasma glucose d
ata (1,536 men and 1,700 women). The response rate was 79% (76% for me
n and 82% for women). The age-specific response rates were 81% for the
30- to 39-year and 50- to 59-year age-groups, 84% for the 40- to 49-y
ear age-group, and 69% for the greater than or equal to 60-year age-gr
oup. The crude prevalence of diabetes in Kin-Hu was 6.5% (2.0% previou
s and 4.5% new). With the standard world population of Segi, the age-a
djusted prevalence rate was 4.9% (4.5% for men and 5.4% for women). Th
e prevalence rate of diabetes increased significantly with age. The pr
evalence of previously diagnosed diabetes accounted for less than one
third of the total rate. CONCLUSIONS- The population survey in Kin-Hu,
Kinmen, had a high response rate of 79%. The crude prevalence rate of
diabetes was 6.5%, and the age-adjusted prevalence rate was 4.9%. The
low ratio of previously diagnosed to newly diagnosed diabetic cases m
ay be due to lack of public awareness and medical services in this com