In the 1950's, the Techa River was contaminated with highly radioactiv
e waste from the ''Mayak'' nuclear enterprise. The total discharge of
radionuclides into the river is estimated as 10(17) Bq, including as m
uch as 10(16) Bq each of Sr-90 and Cs-137. At present, the river's wat
er and soils contain about 0.3 . 10(12) Bq of Sr-90, more than 6 . 10(
12) of Cs-137, and about 8.10(8) Bq of Pu-239, Pu-240. The estimate wa
s made for the part of the river beginning 50 km from the site of the
discharge and ending 240 m downstream, before the Techa River empties
into the Iset River. The greater part of the discharged radionuclides
has been deposited in a series of reservoirs in the upper reaches of t
he Techa. The concentration of radionuclides in the water and soils of
the Techa River decreases exponentially or according to an exponentia
l function with distance.