We report peculiar spectral activity of four large microwave bursts as
obtained from the Solar Arrays at theo Owens Valley Radio Observatory
during Observations of X-class flares on 1990 May 24 and 1991 March 7
, 8, and 22. Main observational points that we newly uncovered are: (1
) flat flux spectra over 1-18 GHz in large amounts of flux ranging fro
m 10(2) to 10(4) s.f.u. at the maximum phase, (2) a common evolutionar
y pattern in which the spectral region of dominant flux shifts from hi
gh frequencies at the initial rise to low frequencies at the decaying
phase, and (3) unusual time profiles that are impulsive at high freque
ncies but more extended at lower frequencies. In an attempt to elucida
te these new properties, we carry out the model calculations of microw
ave spectra under assumptions of gyrosynchrotron mechanism and a dipol
e field configuration to reproduce the observational characteristics.
Our results are summarized as follows. First, a flat microwave spectru
m reaching up to 10(2)-10(4) s.f.u. may occur in a case where a magnet
ic loop is extended to an angular size of approximately (0.7-7.0) x 10
(-7) sterad and contains a huge number (N(E > 10 keV) approximately 10
(36)-10(38)) of nonthermal electrons with power-law index delta approx
imately 3-3.5 over the entire volume. Second, the observed spectral ac
tivity could adequately be accounted for by the shrinking of the regio
n of nonthermal electrons to the loop top and by the softening of the
power-law spectrum of electrons in a time scale ranging 3-45 min depen
ding on the event. Third, the extended microwave activity at lower fre
quencies is probably due to electrons trapped in the loop top where ma
gnetic fields are low. Finally, we clarify the physical distinction be
tween these large, extended microwave bursts and the gradual/post-micr
owave bursts often seen in weak events, both of which are characterize
d by long-period activity and broadband spectra.