The affective mimetic responses of male Wistar rats with prior access
to 6% ethanol in their home cages were observed during intraoral infus
ions of an equivalent alcohol solution. Ethanol preference in the home
cage appeared unrelated to measures of aversion and ingestion in the
taste reactivity tests in normal rats. Adrenalectomy, which significan
tly reduced home cage ethanol preference, failed to influence the tast
e reactions elicited by ethanol or water. On the other hand, treatment
of intact rats with the 5-HT1A receptor agonist ipsapirone (2.5 mg/kg
), a drug that also decreases ethanol drinking in two-bottle intake te
sts, did increase the duration of aversive groomings, whereas measures
of ingestion remained unaffected. These results suggest that ipsapiro
ne, but not adrenalectomy, may alter the palatibility of ethanol; this
perceptual change may partly underlie the ability of ipsapirone to re
duce home cage alcohol drinking in the rat.